Did something today I haven't done in a long time: didn't leave the house all day. That is, I didn't get in the car and go anywhere. Evelyn had gone to the store last night for what we needed today, and I got the bills out before the mail came. It's nice once in awhile. Wrote checks and did some e-mail correspondence this morning. Evelyn went to a meeting at the Vineyard (she's going to start doing literacy tutoring at the Healing Center on Thursday nights), and we Skyped with Wendy Wagoner for almost two hours after lunch. After that I went outside and pulled weeds and watered flowers, picked tomatoes and flowers for the house.
Got my shower and then started helping with dinner.
Bob and Sue Willson and Anna are stopping in Cincinnati tonight on their way to a Fireworks show in northern Indiana, and they had asked if we were free for dinner. We invited them to just come here, and I cooked chicken and vegetables on the grill. Evelyn made biscuits and potato wedges and brownies, and we had a good meal as well as a fine visit.
Now Evelyn and I are watching the Olympics while we check Facebook and relax into the end of a good day.
Enjoyed good things from our garden today . . . flowers for the tables and tomatoes for the grill. |
I don't know any couple who entertains in their home as often as you do! It's become a lost art where we are. Sad.