Friday, August 10, 2012

Pleasant Temperatures and Good Meals

Did something today I haven't done since I don't know when. Drove home from work with the car windows open and the air conditioning off!  Temp was in the 70s; the car thermometer read 69 on the way to work this morning. And they're saying the overnight low will be in the 50s. We'll take it, and we had about a half an inch of rain all total this week.
It would be nice to believe the oppressive days of our summer are over.
Actually I wasn't coming home after work; I was meeting Evelyn for dinner at the Indian restaurant in West Chester. Oooo, it was so good, a favorite place we haven't been to for quite awhile. After that she headed for the grocery store and I went to a meeting at church.
Did some planning and handling of correspondence today. Had a nice touch-base phone call with Paul Williams.
Ate lunch at the Kroger's cafeteria over on Montgomery Road, so good and only $4.99.
Bob Willson wrote to say he and Sue and Anna would be in town tomorrow, and we invited them for dinner. We'll cook some chicken on the grill and enjoy catching up with them.

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