Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cruising, Punctuating, and Thinking about Education

Mentioned our June 2013 cruise in the Christian Standard e-newsletter and on Facebook today, and received 8 requests for a brochure! Very encouraging. I'll do this again in a couple of days--different days of the week on Facebook, and different times of the day. It will be fun to see how much interest we can generate.
By the way, if you missed those invitations, see my earlier post today. You can ask for a brochure via FB, or write me at
I spent most of the day highlighting names in the Directory of the Ministry for a promotional mailing for the new Christian Standard monthly. We'll send samples to maybe 500 church leaders across the country and encourage them to get subscriptions for themselves and their church. We'll see!
Once in awhile this "diary" morphs into something more than that, and so it will be today. I want to share a couple of links.
The first is from a blogger for Harvard Business Review. I encountered an excerpt of his piece on the op-ed page in today's Wall Street Journal:
"Everyone who applies for a position at either of my companies . . . takes a mandatory grammar test. . . . Grammar is relevant for all companies. . . . Grammar signifies more than just a person's ability to remember high school English. I've found that people who make fewer mistakes on a grammar test also make fewer mistakes when they are doing something completely unrelated to writing--like stocking shelves or labeling parts."
See the whole post here.

The second appeared at CNN this morning. Evelyn shared the link on her Facebook page this morning, and I shared it later today. Here's a prominent educator setting the record straight about the quality of US education, teaching to the test, the impact of poverty, and the role of parents in their children's education. If you missed this earlier today, you'll want to check it out now.

Find this post here.

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