Thursday, August 16, 2012

Strategies for Healing

The rain had just started when I left the Healing Center at Vineyard Church tonight. Quarter-sized wet circles on the sidewalk were still distinct from each other. By the time I got to the Beckett Ridge Kroger's, the shower was steady, and by the time I left Kroger's, the rain was coming even harder. A couple of flashbulb lightning bursts accompanied me on the way home, and a clap of thunder surprised me after I got in the house.
The shower is giving the potted plants a nice drink. This morning they said we might have severe storms overnight. I hope the wind doesn't blow those pots over!
Evelyn was at the Healing Center tonight, too. She has begun doing literacy tutoring with a 21-year-old fellow born in Mexico who is studying for his GED test. I met him before I left (I was working in another part of the building, meeting a Benefit Bank client), and he seems personable, pleasant, and intelligent.
I picked up some strawberries for us to put in our yogurt. (Sue Willson told us this weekend a remedy for leg and knee pain she's been trying: plain yogurt mixed with honey and cinnamon; she eats it every morning for breakfast. I like it better than I thought I would, although I'm afraid I'm going to get tired of the apple pie aura of the snack. I put some blueberries in mine a couple times this week--tasted like apple pie with blueberries! Maybe some fresh strawberries will give a different flavor.)
Went to the doctor today so he could look at me, take my blood pressure, listen to my heart, and be satisfied that he could renew my blood pressure medicine prescription. I could have told him over the phone that I'm doing just fine, but, hey, for $25 I can help assure that he still remembers my name.
Worked along on editing for our October issue today. Tomorrow will be cut up with some meetings, and I think I have more on my list than I'm going to get accomplished.

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