Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Bountiful Evening

We had a delightful time yesterday afternoon and evening, meeting David and Carol Ray to see Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park's production of The Trip to Bountiful by Horton Foote. It's a simple story, about an elderly woman who wants to return to her home in Bountiful, Texas, after being trapped in a small Houston apartment with her son and his wife for 20 years.
But "simple" does not mean "not substantive." The play explores family dynamics and the longing of those who are older to experience again the joys of a younger life. It's a compelling experience to see just six actors portray a story so real you can't help but be touched. It resonated with my ongoing coming-to-terms with the changing world around me, and I was very glad to see such an excellent performance. (This production provided an added dimension by casting the whole show with African-American actors, giving nuance beyond the playwright's original intent.)
Evelyn and I had seen the movie made from the play, starring Geraldine Page, more than 25 year ago, which is one reason I wanted to see the stage version. (The movie is available on Amazon for any reader who's interested.)
We met Dave and Carol at the Playhouse for the 4:00 performance and then after the play walked with them to Mount Adams to grab sandwiches and salad at one of their favorite haunts there. The weather was cool but pleasant, and we enjoyed being out with them.
But the weather today is taking a nasty turn. We had a brief but beautiful snow shower at lunchtime today. I tried snapping some pictures of the snow-laced trees on the way home from church. But now, as I finish this post at 10:00 this evening, the snow is pouring down outside, the sidewalk is covered, the trees are all flocked, and we're wondering what the morning commute will bring.

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