Saturday, September 15, 2012


To tell you the truth, I wasn't really looking forward to the annual neighborhood block party. Seems strange, in a way, since I'm the extrovert, "energized by people," and all that. I can do very well with one person I don't know--make conversation, ask questions, show interest, crack a joke. But a whole group of 'em intimidates me a little, especially if they turn out to be a bunch of men talking about sports that I don't know anything about.
But we had a great time at the party this evening. Found plenty of people to talk with, about stuff they wanted to talk about. Reconnected with neighbors we know. Met a nice, new couple. They're empty nesters like we are, only about 10 or 15 years younger (kids are 20 and 21, I think they said). He's an ordained Methodist minister who went into medical work but started his career as a music teacher. He plays organ and piano and sings and used to direct choirs. They're interested in the symphony and other cultural things in Cincinnati--moved here from Cleveland. I hope we can connect with them again. They're church shopping, and we invited them to our church. We're going to give them a list of neighborhood names and addresses, and I just told Evelyn we should take them a church paper when we do.
Today was a beautiful day. Started out chilly, but it was sunny all day and was pleasantly warm by the afternoon. I paid bills in the morning and then went to the Post Office, farmer's market, and grocery store. We Skyped with Wendy around noon, and I did some work for work at the computer this afternoon. Then we were at the block party by 6:00.
I wore a long-sleeved T-shirt down there, and it felt good by the time we came home at 8:30.
I think it will be pretty like that tomorrow afternoon, too, and if so, I hope to spend a little time outside.

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