Monday, September 10, 2012

Growth Is a Wonderful Thing

I was looking through old blog posts today, and I came across this picture of my tomato plants after they'd been in the ground 2 or 3 weeks (right). For me (I know few others will care that much, but hey, it IS my diary!), I decided to also post the picture above showing how they look today.
The one on the right is laden down with yellow cherry tomatoes. The one on the left was labeled "Beefsteak," but the tomatoes really have been more salad sized. The one in the middle is about done. It's a Brandywine, and we've had a few, just a few really tasty fruits.
We ate one of the "Beefsteaks" for supper tonight; I saved a couple slices for a sandwich in my lunch tomorrow, and we're hoping another will be ripe enough for supper tomorrow night.The Beefsteak plant has really been coming on in just the last couple of weeks. We're having cool nights now, and I don't know if that will slow down the ripening or not. There are several more out there I'm hoping we'll enjoy in the next week or two.
I was looking at the old blog posts, because I wanted to remember this post about the beautiful body of Christ. I'm preaching at Hope International University chapel at the end of the month, and their chapel theme this year (this semester?) is "Connected." So I'm considering preparing a message about connections with other Christians, connections with the local church, and connections with the church at large. Joe Grana, who invited me, said he was hoping I'd bring something about our Restoration heritage, so I'm trying to decide how that can all work together. 

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