The chronicle of my day can be reported in all the meetings I attended:
6:00—Thursday-morning men's Bible study at the church. We studied Romans 13 and grappled with how a Christian responds to a government that may require immoral or unbiblical actions, and what it means to be "clothed with Jesus."
8:30—Meeting with several decision makers to consider options for digital versions of Christian Standard. We're getting close to some exciting options.
10:00—Conference call with Robert Welsh and Doug Foster to discuss the meetings of the Stone-Campbell Dialogue group in Dallas this November.
11:45—Quick lunch and a run to Staples with Robb Faust.
2:00—Performance Management Training, led by our VP of Human Resources, Tina Macon. (She posed for a picture before the workshop started, and let me get away without her signing a release!)
3:30—Weekly one-on-one meeting with my boss, Matt Lockhart, VP of Product Development at Standard Publishing.
In between all this I arranged for meals at the NEXT conference for young leaders that's happening in Irvine later in March, handled some correspondence, and sorted copy and pictures from Kent Fillinger for three issues in May: Megachurches, Large Churches, Medium-Sized Churches.
Tomorrow I have only one meeting scheduled so far. Actually, I don't do well with a whole day at my desk by myself. But a whole day with meetings can make it a little difficult to get anything else done. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
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