Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday, Sunday . . .

After so many busy weekends in September, it was nice to have a "normal," quiet Sunday spent mostly at home. We went to church this morning, of course, and then tried breakfast at a new Frisch's on Yankee Road. I ran to the grocery and then to a second Kroger's with a Fifth-Third bank whose manager was on duty today to provide a "Medallion Signature" guarantee on a form I need to sign and send to Standex.
Then I came home and retreated to the kitchen table where I did some editing for a couple of hours. Later in the afternoon I switched out a pile of summer clothes for warmer ones. It's always a chore, but always sort of fun, to pull out the off season clothes--sort of like greeting old friends. I always forget some garment I forgot I had. And usually come across at least one that I wonder why I'm still saving.
This evening we're eating supper in front of the TV, and after getting ready for tomorrow (lunches, clothes, etc.), we'll watch some program we recorded last week before heading off to bed and starting the new work week.
Only four days in the office this week. It's a trip to North Carolina for "Budfest" Saturday! (Keep watching for details.)
Our sugar maple in the backyard is starting to show its beautiful colors. There's a freeze warning for tonight, so it will probably be getting prettier in the next week or two.

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