Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm Tired, but Not Weary

It's not easy to get a whole monthly issue together in one week. Of course managing editor Jim Nieman will be working the next two weeks to create the layout for the issue. But I've spent most of my time this week copy editing and thinking about art and layout. We had a productive meeting with Standard's creative director who helps us with art selection and design. I think our first monthly edition is going to be solid.
The to-do list was interrupted by a nice lunch and shower for Harry and Carla who will be married August 18. Food, food, food and lots of smiles.
Worked at Healing Center seeing Benefit Bank clients this evening. After the first two (one appointment), I checked and saw that no more were scheduled, so I was free to go at 8:20 instead of 9:00. As I was shutting down the computer, one of the counselors introduced me to his client who is pregnant and trying to break free of her life as an exotic dancer. Would I have time to see if she could get help through the Benefit Bank application process?
Sure, I said. And we were able to file her application for food stamps and a number of programs for mothers with young children.

I feel as if I've spent most of the day in front of the computer, and I'm very tired. But it's nice to think I participated in helping some people today.

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