After 108 days, I broke my record for daily posts this weekend. It was for a good cause, though. We spent Friday through Sunday nights with good friends Jim and Norma Pierson in their comfortable home in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Norma and Evelyn relaxed in a shady spot in their yard. |
As usual, Jim hosted us with flair. Everywhere we went, Jim knew someone who gave him and usually us special attention—the car dealership (we were checking on a service light that popped on while we were headed to Knoxville Friday evening), the Walgreen's, the Blount Mansion where he gave us a tour, the restaurants we visited, the soccer field where his grandson was playing, and of course the church. Norma is a most gracious hostess and a wonderful cook. I don't think we've ever eaten more in three days! Jim and Norma are both avid gardeners, and touring or just sitting in their lush, green yard is a relaxing treat. We ate dinner one evening on their shaded deck, overlooking their beautiful back yard. It was wonderful.

Sunday morning we were surprised to see Jana Stiles at the Pierson's church, Woodlawn Christian. She's attending there now and playing piano for their traditional worship service, which we were blessed to attend Sunday morning.

Sunday afternoon we drove to Johnson City and spent the afternoon and early evening with Dick Morris, who is associate minister at Boone's Creek Christian Church. I discovered when I met him last fall that he has a varied career in broadcasting and has done a lot of voice over work. I wrote him this winter and asked if we could come visit with him so I could learn how he does the voice over work from his home. He was a most gracious host, telling me everything he could about how to get started in this business and protesting when I told him we wanted to take him to dinner. It was a great visit.
Sunday afternoon Jim Pierson's sister, Peggy Doty, came to visit the Piersons, and she was there when we got back to their house Sunday evening. We had a delightful time visiting with her and posed for pictures before leaving for Jennifer's house this morning.
We got here about lunch time and spent the afternoon packing books and some clothes. We filled several boxes, but not as many as we hope to polish off tomorrow.
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