Monday, May 14, 2012

A Busy Day, a Pleasant Evening

I'm not the only one who planted flowers this weekend. I came to work today to see the flower beds around our office planted with begonias and vinca. Those daylilies behind this bed of begonias will be in bloom in another few days. Someday I won't work at this office again, but I'll always remember how attractive the whole complex is. New flowers in the beds every season. In nice weather, I park outside this courtyard and walk past this fountain and under trees into our office. At lunchtime, sometimes I walk through the courtyard and around two buildings, just to get a little fresh air and a stretch in the middle of the day.

Today I really needed it. I went from one e-mail to the next literally all day long and got through a long list of assignments, correspondence, and recruiting. Much of it was stuff that needed to be done several weeks ago; this is the situation in which I always move mountains. There's a theory about two styles of getting work done: there's the marathon runner (that's Evelyn and Jennifer) and the sprinter (that's me). Today I sprinted.

This evening was relaxing. Piddled around outside: trimmed a bush, sprayed Round-Up on weeds, transplanted a miniature rose from Valentine's Day into a planter for the patio. Swept off the deck. Stood in the driveway and savored dusk, my favorite time of the day.

Evelyn and I watched one of her favorite TV shows, "Bones." We recorded it at 8:00 and started watching it before 9:00. Since we zoomed through the commercials, it was finished by 9:45, and after channel surfing I came across the last 10 minutes of "Father of the Bride." It's a sentimental, nostalgic, warm movie which I've seen at least twice before. I wasn't ready for the way it made me puddle up. Oh boy, it's going to be a great six weeks! :-)

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