Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Shower

One thing we enjoyed about the house where we used to live was the front porch stretching across the front of it. Sometimes we  ate a light supper or drank a cup of coffee there, and we'd often adjourn from the dinner table to sit there with company on a summer evening. Jennifer spent hours there reading. And all of us loved to sit under its roof and experience the coming of a summer storm--the smell of the rain, the gusty breeze, and finally the summer shower.
Our tiny little porch now has no room to sit. And you'd most often need to stay pressed against the front door to avoid the rain in a storm. But once in awhile, even though Evelyn usually laughs at me, I'll stand or sit in the garage with the door open and watch the coming of a storm.

I did that tonight after racing through a few errands in the yard in anticipation of the storm. I got inside just in time to see the wind beating up the plants on my deck and turning all the leaves of the trees straight up so you could see the paler green on their underside.

 I stood in the garage, admiring the gray and white clouds, enjoying the breeze, listening to prolonged, rolling rumbles of thunder from the distance, and waiting for the rain. When the shower finally did come, it really wasn't that fierce. I'm thinking some nearby neighborhoods may have received more of a downpour. But we're supposed to get more overnight or in the morning. It will be enough to water all the plants, saving me from hauling sprinkling cans today (and maybe tomorrow).
Evelyn tried a new recipe: shrimp with pineapple, sweet peppers, and onion. She had the marinated
ingredients arranged on the skewers when I got home from work, and I grilled them quickly for a tasty summertime supper.

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