Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Speaking to Writers

Quote of the Day:
"A lot of people think God is like Scott Hamilton during the Olympics. That He sits in Heaven looking down His nose at our every mistake. That His job is to view every sin we make, and hold it against us. But that could not be further from the truth. Or why else would Jesus die on a cross? God knows we are trying desperately to skate our way through a very hazardous routine, and He delivers a way for us to work through those times when we just can’t get it right. It’s called forgiveness. It’s called grace. It’s called mercy. Look! You just received a perfect score! But you didn’t have to be perfect to do it. Jesus did that for you."
Tim Hartman, posting on Facebook yesterday

Picture of the Day:

John Russell invited me as the guest for the Paraclete Northern Kentucky ministers meeting. We met today at Lakeside Christian Church on Buttermilk Pike. More than 20 preachers and other minister types were there. John asked me to speak about how to get published, and I spoke with them about five outlets:
Christian Press
Secular Press
Community Press
Local Church Press
Digital Outlets

I gave 'em a handout with lots of web links and other resources. It was good for me to do it, and maybe a writer will rise up out of the group.

By the way, Tim Hartman, quoted above, posts some wonderful vignettes on his Facebook page. He's a good writer!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have that handout in a pdf form? I would love to check it out.
