Monday, January 13, 2014

What Should Christian Standard Publish? (and, what should teenagers watch on TV?)

Picture of the Day: I spent much of the day putting together a brief report I'll make at Christian Standard's annual contributing editors retreat later this week. Below is a jpeg of the first slide in the PowerPoint I'm creating.

Every year the contributing editors discuss what Christian Standard ought to be discussing and who ought to be writing for us.
An open invitation to readers of my blog and visitors to my Facebook page: What do you think Christian Standard should include in its content line-up for the next 12 months? Leave your comment here or at my Facebook page. I promise to share it!

Quote of the Day: The biggest take-away from this study is that what teenagers are watching can make a really big difference in what they think, and ultimately how they behave and really important life decisions. 
Melissa Kearney, an associate professor of economics at the University of Maryland and co-author of a study that attributes part of the decrease in the U.S. teen birthrate to the MTV show 16 and Pregnantin an interview with NPR today.

Years ago I worked with a group of Christian leaders who visited the big three networks' headquarters in New York to plead with them to lessen the amount of sex and violence on TV. To a person, each network executive insisted there is no relationship between what people watch and how people behave. So I almost wrecked the car when I heard this university professor on the radio sharing the above conclusion as a result of her careful research. Many readers will want to read or listen to the whole interview.

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