Monday, November 5, 2012

A Busy, Wonderful Weekend

I've discovered a paradox about this "daily" blog/diary.  When there's the most to write about, there's the least time to write; and when there's plenty of time to sit and write, there may be nothing to write about!
This weekend was an illustration of the fact. I've already described our get-together Friday night and Saturday morning with college friends and collaborators from days past. But I didn't describe the alumni gathering we all attended together Friday afternoon and evening.
It was a combination alumni gathering and celebration of the CCU music faculty, all of whom have served there for 25 years or more. The evening featured a Concert Choir reunion with special music at the end of the evening provided by the mass choir. We had a nice dinner and sat with a few friends from the class of 1972, and former students of each of the three honored music faculty members gave testimonies about their impact on their lives. Perhaps the highlight of the evening was the song service led by the choir and the piano--simple songs that all of us knew, but a swelling of voices to create the most moving worship in song I have experienced for a very long time.
Ken Read, Brenda Lang, and Gary Gregory were the honored professors
at the alumni reunion Friday evening.

Saturday afternoon, after our brunch, Evelyn and I drove over to church to spend awhile at the reception where church members could meet Trevor DeVage. Trevor was the senior ministerial candidate. I say "was," because he received a 95% affirmative vote from the Easter-attendance crowd that came to hear his "trial sermon" Sunday morning. The air was electric on Sunday morning. Tom Moll said, "I believe the church's greatest days are ahead," and that anticipation seemed to fill the air. We're very excited.

We posed with Trevor DeVage Saturday afternoon.
The weekend was made rich by our visit with Byron and Katie Cartwright, who didn't leave for home till this morning. They took us out to eat at Teller's in Hyde Park on Saturday evening--a wonderful dinner. And then Joy Norwood and Shelley Hamann invited us for a spontaneous Kentucky Fried Chicken lunch after church Sunday.

We rested and visited Sunday afternoon till Shirley and Terry Wuske came for white chicken chili at about 5:30. And after they left we stayed up visiting some more with Byron and Katie till past our bedtime on a work night.

Evelyn and I are going to try to get to bed before 10:00 tonight, because the weekend wore us out! All of it was wonderful, but we're ready to rest!

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