Monday, December 10, 2012

Wreaths for the Season

Evelyn walked past the other house in the neighborhood that is essentially the same floor plan as ours, and guess what? They decorated the front the same way we did! Wreaths on the windows and floodlights to illuminate them. (They put wreaths only on the front four windows--two on either side of the front door, because their garage opens to the front instead of the side like ours. Our arrangement gives us six windows at the front of the house instead of their four.)
"Maybe they got their idea from you," she ventured.
No matter, my decorating sense has been vindicated, and Evelyn agrees that the wreaths can stay. (The only problem we have is the bright light shining into the front bedroom, even with the wooden blinds closed tight. If Nina sleeps in there at Christmas, we may give her one of those masks they issue passengers on overnight international flights! They really do block out all the light!)
I snapped pictures when I got home from work tonight, but they don't really do justice to the whole dramatic effect!  :-)

These are the wreaths on and above the windows of our garage.
These are the wreaths on the bedroom windows to the left of the front door.

These wreaths are on the dining room windows, to the right of the front door.
Sometime this Christmas I'll take a picture of the whole house from the front sidewalk. Actually, it's pretty simple, but it's what we're doing this year.

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