We enjoyed something different at lunchtime. A cooking demonstration and talk about nutrition from two representatives from the culinary school that offers classes in the building across the courtyard from ours. The homemade spaghetti sauce over spaghetti squash was wonderful. I've never cooked a spaghetti squash before, but I want to try it. And he mixed broccoli slaw into the tossed salad, dressed with a homemade vinaigrette.
Soon after lunch I joined a few from Standard at Christ's Church at Mason to help with a video we were shooting there. It 's a training video that will be posted at standardpub.com to help users know how to use (and decide to use) Standard Lesson Commentary and Standard LessonQuarterly. My friend Jared Alexander needed some folks to pose as members of an adult Sunday school class for some "B-roll" shots.

Robb and I went to pick up my car at Barnes's, and I ran some errands before coming home.
It snowed all day long, but thankfully the warm highways and the air temperatures just above freezing kept it from sticking on the roads. Nevertheless, the scenes outside our windows all day long were from Christmas cards and not Easter catalogs.
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