After about 30 minutes of coffee and cheesecake, we enjoyed a wonderful set of worship songs, led by Micah Steele with nothing more than an acoustic guitar. (I'd like to see us do that for an all-church worship service. We could hear each other sing, and the guitar accompaniment was beautiful and varied, strong when it needed to be, but always gentle.)

After sharing some thoughts from his experience and the Bible about worship, he walked us through upcoming changes that will take place with his use of worship teams starting April 7. Most of the information had already been shared in an email he sent inviting us to this meeting. But it was good of him to make sure we all heard it from him at one time, and his offer to speak with any of us individually was sincere and welcome.
He distributed sheets of paper each person could use to indicate whether he or she wants to keep serving or take a break from serving.
I said, "I'm in," but I doubt I can do all the things I have at least sometimes done in the past, especially with the new configuration of the worship services. So I'm going to write a note to Benji, Dave Lautzenheiser, and Brad Wilson and ask them to decide which jobs they want me to keep doing.
We finished by 9:00, and I had nice visits with a couple of folks before heading home.
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