Friday, May 30, 2014

Another "Another Good-Bye"

Jon's  going-away dessert buffet was a surprise, including the fact that his family showed up
to join the party.
Where I work, at Standard Publishing, we're getting good at going-away parties. Today's was to say
good-bye to Jon Underwood who is leaving after 33 years of service at Standard Publishing to serve as the chaplain at Mount Healthy Christian Village, close to his home and next door to the site of the old Standard Publishing building.
"I grew up with Standard Publishing," he said at his party this afternoon. "I grew up in a preacher's family, and we got all our Sunday school and VBS and church bulletins--everything the church needed--from Standard.
"We viewed Standard as the place where the scholars are. I never dreamed I would get to rub shoulders with them. Orrin Root. Mr. Hayden. It was wonderful."
Matt Lockhart praised Jon for his Bible knowledge as well as his ability to work with a team.
The caption on the cake was an understatement: "Jon ... You Will Be Missed."

Here are links to other Standard Publishing (or CFM) good-byes I've noted on my blog (It's a long list, but actually there have been more good-byes than these):

1 comment:

  1. When I was a VBS editor at Standard, I worked on the other side of the cubicle wall from Jon. I made him my personal biblical commentary, and admired his knowledge, humor and sweet spirit. I still remember clearly being at work on the morning of January 28, 1986. Jon got a call from his wife Kathy, breaking the news about the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion. We were all stunned to hear about the tragedy. I wish Jon the best in his new job/ministry. The villagers are getting a true gem.
