We post all our business expenses online. Today I had one $13 tab to post, but the site wouldn't take my password. So I clicked the button to ask them to send me a new password. They sent me the e-mail with the new password. I entered the new password, but the site wouldn't accept it. I tried this one more time: new password, enter new password, the site wouldn't accept it. And then I got a message saying I had attempted log-in too many times and was being logged off.
Tomorrow's the deadline for submitting June expenses. Maybe my $13 will be authorized then.
Second event to record for posterity: a warning ticket on the way home. Cincinnati-Dayton Road. There was a line of at least 50 cars heading toward West Chester Road from Union Centre Blvd. All of them were going straight; I wanted to turn left. So I crept along beside the straight line of cars, through about two or three left turn lanes (for the offices, etc., on my left). But you're not supposed to do that. You're supposed to wait till you're close to the intersection and that intersection's left turn lane is open for you.
The friendly West Chester policeman was jovial and kind and he didn't give me a citation. "You've just received your first wireless warning ticket," he told me as he handed my driver's license back to me. (He had returned to his car and entered all my data into the computer mounted on his dash.)
This made me almost late for dinner, our welcome-to-our-house dinner for Matt and Miles and Nina who arrived in Indy this afternoon.
We had lots of fun over Evelyn's wonderful spaghetti and meatballs (Rachael Ray's recipe, tried for the first time) and salad and French bread (we ate the whole loaf!)
The weather this evening was cool and beautiful. We soaked it up, because it's supposed to be sweltering for wedding day!
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