Mark Mueller, one of our church's elders, preached this morning, and he did a super job. The sermon told the story of David: his call, his battle with Goliath, and his integrity in sparing the life of King Saul in the cave.
It was a sermon filled with challenges for the man on the street, laced with Mark's slightly bent and deadpan humor.
My favorite smile from the sermon:
"If your father-in-law is trying to kill you, and his daughter (your wife) and his son (your best friend) are trying to help you, you don't need to be a clinical psychologist to know the family Christmas party just became very interesting."
Pictures of the Day:

anymore. So she asked me to snap a new one for her. By bedtime it had received 115 "likes" on Facebook!
This afternoon I ran over to Dr. Charley Horsley's house in Lebanon. Charley is a semiprofessional photographer, and, in response to a Facebook inquiry from Evelyn a couple weeks ago, he offered to send our family picture taken last summer to the place that prints all his pictures, a high-quality print-output company that makes prints for professional photographers.
Below is the print we're having enlarged to hand in our living room. Daughter-in-law Lisa orchestrated and directed the photo shoot in Central Park last summer (and color-corrected the pictures for us). After we get the print, we'll work on getting it matted and framed. The Horsleys have a recommendation for a good framer in Lebanon.
Finally, Evelyn will be getting her family portrait to hang on the wall!
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