A sure fire way to spiral into darkness is to listen to your critics or to obsess on pleasing people you barely know. Most of us have people in our lives who really know us and love us despite our flaws. Let them have more sway over your emotions than those who don't really know you at all. It really can be a choice. Decide who is worthy of affecting your emotions... and who isn't.
—Joe Boyd, in "7 Ways to Get Happy This Year" at Huffington Post
Laugh of the Day: Thanks to Vicki Cherry for giving me an outloud chuckle via her Facebook post:
Second Quote of the Day:
It's not often that our home thermostat is set 70 degrees higher than
the outside temperature! I drove by a Duke Energy building this
morning and I swear I heard cash registers dinging inside.
—Chad Showalter, posting on Facebook
Pictures of the Day:

Second, a snapshot of the yummy casserole Evelyn made for supper: scalloped potatoes with ham. I do believe that Christmas ham was worth it just to have the leftovers to make this wonderful dish. And we have enough casserole left to enjoy another time this week!
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