The same syndrome applies to writing a difficult letter or having a necessary or unpleasant confrontation with someone in the office or your family or the neighborhood. It's the same deal with missing church; after staying away three or four weeks, it's easier just not to come back.
I was thinking about that tonight after not posting here since the weekend. I decided some time ago that I wouldn 't be compulsive about posting every day. But after skipping one day, it's easier to skip the next. And then it would be easy just to quit posting.
I've come across blogs that fell victim to this syndrome. A few good, meaningful posts--and then nothing, for months.
Well, I've decided not to be one of those bloggers. Partially because I really have enjoyed looking back a month or a year to see what was going on in my life. And partially because I'm just not ready to quit.
But I've been busy, busy, busy the last few days. Several parallel but somewhat unrelated deadlines and duties at work. Getting ready for our cruise coming up the end of the month. And trying to stay even with the yard work that piles up every spring.

Standard's July issue, labeled "40 Leaders Under 40." It's our answer to Time Magazine's annual "100 Most Influential People" issue, but featuring folks just from our fellowship of churches. Deciding on the list, compiling the pictures, assigning and receiving the profiles--all of that was a massive effort. But the result is good, and I'm pleased about it.
We also received printed copies of our June issue, whose cover theme is "Why Missional Matters." It looks very sharp too, and the content is solid.
Meanwhile we made final plans to launch a monthly online radio program featuring contributors to Christian Standard. It's at BlogTalk Radio; we're calling it "Beyond the Standard," and I'm interested to see what it will accomplish and how folks will react. The cool thing about BlogTalk Radio is that the programs are archived, and will exist online for listeners to use into the future.
I'll try to say more about the rest of the week in a later post. As I've mentioned before, when there's a lot to report, I don't have time to report it! (I have all kinds of time when nothing is going on!) That's the way I've felt this week. But I've concluded I don't want to miss the chance to record it. I'm too busy not to write!
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