A mixed day, ultimately good, but not without its concerns. A variety of tasks and duties, several of them handled well. Frustrations that probably won't change: "God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." It's the last two parts that are the biggest challenge to me.
A beautiful sunrise on the way to work, 80-plus degrees for a lunchtime walk to a restaurant, and even warmer on the way home. I ran the air conditioning in the car!

Today was open enrollment day for health insurance, vision insurance, dental insurance, long- and short-term disability, etc. etc. We're changing carriers (we're hoping United Health Care serves its

customers better this year than the last go-'round), and the prices are going up about $10 or $11 per pay period. I'll pay $10 higher copay (from $40 to $50) to see my specialists. But UHC has a plan that earns you gift cards for completing health profiles and receiving online or personal counseling for health and nutrition issues. The carrot approach is much more palatable than the stick approach we had a year or two ago. So, all in all, it's not a bad deal.
In spite of frustrations, I feel very grateful for all the material blessings I have, my special family, my church, and the chance to do work that seems meaningful and is fulfilling. So many—so very many—people in the world would trade their situation for mine in a heartbeat. It's true for folks in the Two-Thirds World, but true also for men my age within 10 or 15 minutes of me.
So I'll end the day with a prayer of thanks, along with that prayer for courage and wisdom.
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