Up before 7:30, which for me is sleeping in.
Sorted mail. Paid bills. Skimmed Facebook. Read the headlines (the front page was full of details about the mass shooting at an Aurora theater Thursday night/Friday morning). Decided about supper with Evelyn, and she made a grocery list.
Went to the grocery and stopped at the bank to a) get some cash for the trip next week and b) inform them that I might be using my debit card at an ATM in Brazil.
Went to get my haircut.
Got a phone call from Marshall Hayden on my way to the Cincinnati Bell store and sat in their parking lot for several minutes talking with him about some Publishing Committee business and the cruise we're hosting with him next summer.
Talked to the helpful fella at the Cincinnati Bell store about how to use my cell phone while we're in Brazil (not a bad deal: $1.99/minute for international calling; 100 texts for $9.99).
Picked up some shirts at the dry cleaners.
Home for lunch (Evelyn made egg salad).
Talked with Geoff on the phone.
By then it was 2:00 p.m. and HOT outside (but not nearly as hot as is HAS been). But I still proceeded with checking the next item off my list: cut the grass. About half of the yard is yellow, but there are significant green spots, in the shade and where we've watered the trees. Evelyn came out to finish the job after I was a little more than half done and I moved on to watering plants and chopping down some overgrown perennials. Then I cleaned out the downspouts on the front of the house.
Dashed inside to get my shower and then stretched out on the recliner for a 10-minute nap before helping to get supper ready.
We fixed chicken and vegetables on the grill for Dave Lautzenheiser for supper. We had invited him when we learned he was spending the weekend alone (because Mary was visiting Laura and her husband in Tennessee).
I got the vegetables ready while Evelyn cleaned the chicken and made potato salad.
Dave arrived a little after 6:00 while I was cooking on the grill, and we had a great time visiting with him and enjoying a great dinner. He left around 9:00 after we talked garden and I gave him some plants from our wedding center pieces that I hadn't been able to find a home for in our yard.
As we loaded his car, the air was pleasant, and the sunset was beautiful. It had been a good and productive day.
Evelyn cleaned up the kitchen, and we retreated to the family room to watch a show she had recorded: "30 Top NBC Olympic Moments."
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