Healing Center is a ministry of
Vineyard Community Church in Cincinnati. It offers a wide range of programs to help people with many needs. Most who come are having trouble surviving, and they need food, clothing, job training, help finding a job, help filing their taxes, and more. The Center is open several times a week for folks to come get assessment and advice and to visit the food pantry or clothing store. The Center offers computer training classes, posts job openings, hosts 12-step groups, and more.
After I became acquainted with their ministry some time ago,
Evelyn and I decided to find out about volunteering at the Center. She's there every Wednesday evening as "floor manager," helping guests find the services they're looking for then. I show up, usually two Wednesdays a month, to serve clients who can apply for government and other benefits through a computer program called
Benefit Bank.
I snapped Evelyn's picture last night with Rich, one of our Benefit Bank volunteers.
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